一個人睡著時,周圍縈繞著時間的游絲,歲歲年年,日月星辰,有序地排列在他的身邊。醒來時他本能地從中尋問,須臾間便能得知他在地球上占據了什么地點,醒來前流逝過多長的時間;但是時空的序列也可能發生混亂,甚至斷裂(p.5 追憶似水年華I 第一卷 貢布雷 聯經版 1992)
When a man is asleep, he has in a circle round him the chain of the hours, the sequence of the years, the order of the heavenly host. Instinctively, when he awakes, he looks to these, and in an instant reads off his own position on the earth’s surface and the amount of time that has elapsed during his slumbers; but this ordered procession is apt to grow confused, and to break its ranks. (Remembrance of Things Past, translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff 1922)
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